Saturday, January 19, 2008


This morning, i don’t have any idea in which island this charming sister come from. Then, with a green baju kurung and a ribbon at her hands, she is just like a lecturer who giving a taught to her student.

For this topic, issue HINDRAF (Hindu Rights Action Force) which happened about several weeks ago was mentioned to create an analogy between two tribes, Tutsi and Hutu.
Their (HINDRAF) ridiculous and absurd claim towards British government until they commit illegal assembly along the road in KL was undergone ISA (Internal Security Act) pertaining the detention of their role players.

HINDRAF, who was fanatic and extreme group of Indian society, had admitted that Malaysia government was promulgating "genocide" towards Indian people.

Then, Indian government was seems as to scratch Malaysia's sovereignty when they get interrupt into this issue. Well, to who concerned, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

Back to Rwanda

Before I forget, this topic is seems like open a new a chapter because most of my brothers and sisters were not familiar with Rwanda. Their land can be said as fertile land because they have a valuable resource like golds, diamonds etc. However, their incomes are like below the poverty line. Astaghfirullah al-azim...Then i'm just conscious after mdm Shafizan reminded us about concept of Western block when they colonialized almost part of the world, DIVIDE & CONQUER. It still born in my mind, when I was in secondary school, my ustaz had said that the practice of celebrate of birthday was applied from that concept. For example, 1) they will sing the song first; 2) they will blow the candle as a symbol to blow the Nur of Islam, 3) they will cut the cake into a pieces (British took Tanah Melayu, Spain took Phillipine, Holland took Indonesia and etc)

When my dear Qistina show the picture of President of Rwanda, I almost get shock. “Ya Allah, sebijik macam Sudin” (very similar with Sudin). I told madam Shafizan, “madam, his picture remind me about my teammate, Saifuldin (Sudin is his nickname) when I was in Wataniah Skills. Luckily he was not Communication student. If not, he will shoot me..hahaha (Sean Dexter)