Thursday, March 13, 2008

Somalia ,presented by jannah

i supposed to this ages ago but i hav been busy with my assignment
by the way, the presentation on Somalia presented by Jannah was quite interesting. Somalia is a country that gained independence from Italy in 1st of July 1960l, i definitely did not know that . The wars that had occurred in the past and currently occurring potrayed that somalia is not a very stable country.
I think the reason somalian are facing wars in the past because the Somalian people are not united especially with the invasion of outsiders to mess up the country .However, the current war that occuring with Ethiopia is due to the conflict started by the Alliance of Mogadishu Warlords and Militia loyal to Islam courts union (ICU). ICU wanted to implement the Shariah law in Somalia but Alliance of Mogadishu Warlords are against them. Thus, the Alliance of Mogadishu Warlords had the war with their own people and ask the assistance of Ethiopian goverment to help defeat the ICU. Of course , many people was killed and injuried throughout the whole ordeal.
It's bad enough that Somalia is a country below the poverty line but having conflicts and their own people make things a lot more worse.
Unfortunately all the troublesome countries are muslim countries. Its true muslim arent united in spirit which is very sad.
Regarding Jannah presentation, well i think her presentation was average and I think she could improve by having more eye contact and high voice projection. Overall, she did her best .That's all that matter.