Sunday, February 17, 2008


Last monday, wahida presented an interesting topic on Turkey. Well, the presentation was alrite although there werent much eyes contact, wahida looked calm and confident but she was speeding in giving the information and she was reading it from the slides. I think she could improve on not having so much information on the slides and try to interact with the audiences more.

Latest news about Turkey , the the government justice and development party (religious conservative)wanted to end the 80 years ban on the Islamic scarves in public instituition and government sector. It was voted 411 agreed in lifting the ban whereas 103 voted otherwise.
Isnt it just ironic? Turkey where the Islamic empire was established became a secular modern Islamic country because of the transformation made by Mustafa Kamal Ataturk the founder of modern Turkey.

It was told in the history that Mustafa Kamal Ataturk believed by making the country westernized it would speed up the process of deveolopment in Turkey. Does westernization equal to development? I was told by my former history lecturer that Turkey is not exactly a developed country however it is still developing country .Although, Turkey are westernized but they are not fully trusted by the Western country afterall they still muslim.