Sunday, March 16, 2008

In Memory of My BIG Sister

I’m certainly sure that anyone who came to this funeral and all people out there knows who Miranti was. She was known by other people around her as Iera and sometimes she would proudly ask to be called “Kechil” by many of her pals. She befriended anyone, she was absolutely friendly and an easy-going person. Not surprisingly, she was famous at her campus. Everybody knows her.

She was a sister of mine. Iera was the eldest and the cutest sister in family; she was my BIG sister even though she was small in size compared to my other siblings. But believe me, size really doesn’t matter for her because she fought to do a lot of things that we couldn’t, mainly because she liked to try new things in her life. She was a good role model that I ever had after my mother. When I was a baby, it was she who took care of me after our mother. She was seventeen when our mother entrusted her to take care of me. She was the one who changed my diapers all the time. And it was she who combed my hair. Because of that, I became her favorite sister and she was my favorite sister as well.

She was definitely the best sister that we ever had. Even though she kept being bossy and nagging us when something went wrong, she was very gentle and soft in and out, and that was our “kakak”. She was also a good listener who listened to other people’s problem and tried to give them any possible solutions that she could. She brought cheers and happiness to our family with her words and smiles. When our parents especially mama scolded us due to our misconduct, it was again she who comforted us. She was there for us when we needed her so much and be the one who caught all our tears. She was really concerned about cleanliness. I once remembered when she told each and every one of us that to know whether or not someone is concerned about his/her cleanliness was by looking into their fingernails especially their toenails.

She was a strong young lady who strived for her live deeply. She was an ambitious person and that was the reason most importantly why papa and mama really loved her. They believed in kakak that someday she will be able to succeed in her study and her live well. They have entrusted kakak to take over our company business someday.

She managed to pursue her Master’s degree in Business Administration in one of the university in United Kingdom. When she decided to go there, all of us especially me was very much sad because frankly this is the first time when she has to be away from us. She got full support from papa because it was him that successfully “brainwashed” her to go there.

It was her dream to have a family of her own when she received her Master’s degree in Business Administration and returned home. Unfortunately, a couple of month later we were surprised that our charming kakak was being hospitalized because of her illness-severe illness I would say. She was diagnosed with leukemia and doctor said it was too late for her and so that she only has a few weeks left. Kakak had kept that secret alone and no one knows about it including myself; no wonder she behaved differently. Only God Knows how I felt when knowing that my BIG sister is dying in front of my eyes. All of us were there to accompany her. When facing with this difficult situation she was calm and smiles were always there on her face but deep inside I know that she wasn’t. Kakak was a tough person and she was very strong indeed. Allah SWT loves her more than we do and my BIG sister breathed her last breath on that gloomy day.

She was the best daughter of our parents.

She was the best sister that we ever had.

She was the best listener and motivator ever.

She was the best buddy for her friends.

She was indeed everybody’s favorite.

We adore you kakak comel…

You will always in our memory…

We love you...

Now that my BIG sister wasn’t here anymore with us let’s pray for her so that Allah SWT will placed and granted her to be among of the Muslimin in the heaven. May Allah SWT Bless you and May you rest in peace my dear kakak. Al Fatihah.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Picnic oriented lectures...


Dexter's Eulogy...............

Firstly, When you found this letter, I may not being able to have a dinner with all of you.

Mommy and Daddy,

Please forgive me. I know, I’m not a kind of son to meet your expectation. You want me to be a doctor but I’m not that good in Mathematics but I end up my life being anchorman for Al-Jazeera Company. At least you can see me live on television.

I know you doesn’t like my wife very much because you want me to marry Keira Knighly because she is champion of Ratu Kebaya competition a few years ago. But, how can I forget Helena Bornham Carter, she was the most charming and desirable women that I want to married…

Tok Penghulu (A chief of village),

I know you want me to replace your position after you married for the 4th times because you want to give your commitment to all your wives. You offered me a acres of land behind the grave, a few kinds of cars including BMW 5-series, Mitsubishi Evolution 7, Hummer Jeep, a Yamaha 200cc Scrambler bike. I know it is burden for me to accept it but because the post of the next minister in of our cabinet government was something that I must fulfill. All ministers need a young, energetic and credible like me to be a substitute after they retired.

Tok Siak,

I’m so sorry for looses you air pressure for your motorcycle tires because I’m having fight with you to be an Imam during Maghrib and Isya’ prayer. And also, I’m so sorry because the big burning of you coconut trees during Ramadhan season.

My lecturers

I would like to thanks for everything for what ever you have done to me. All kinds of scolding, argument, anger and etc, I assume it just a spice in your methods of teaching especially to a big-head student like me.

Mohd Fazli Shamsuddin @ Dexter

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Sister nasrin presented about bangladesh a month ago. Well, her presentation was alrite but I think she was not all prepare with it,though. She seem nervous although her voice projection was clear.Her eye contact was ok but it would be a lot better if she focus on the notes instead of her slides.

Bytheway, lets talk about bangladesh. I felt like I needed to do my own research on bangledash . here's what I found. Well, bangladesh is parliamentary democratic country which means there is no separation between the executive and legislative branches.Its prliamentary systems have a clear different between the head of government and the head of state because the head of governmentis is the prime minister or premier whereas the head of state is president usually elected through the popular vote or by parliament.
The main religion in bangledash is Islam that the main reason why the Bangledash was separated from India in the past. However, before bangladesh become its own independence country it had to seek independence from Pakistan, bangledah used to be known as East Bengal of Pakistan back in 1957 ,they (bangladeshi) felt the pakistani were being bias to them .Thus,resulted in Liberation war in 1971. During that time India under the rule of Indira Ghandhi supported the Bangledahi indepenence. I found out India that India-Bangledash have a good relationship with each others especially when India provided large amount of aid to Bangledash during Bangledashi annual natural calamities.
It is just sad knowing that Bangledash is not in good term with Pakistan because both countries have one of the largest muslim nation. In the past the Pakistani and the bangledashi used to fight together against India to form muslim state known as Pakistan but once they gained independence togother,Pakistani mistreated the Bangledashi and currently the Bangledashi is siding India and Pakistan is just on its own. HOw Sad Is that? What is wrong with muslim? Cant we live together in peaceful and harmonious society?

Tasneem Eulogy

Good morning friends, family and all those of you who are here today to commemorate the life of an interesting girl, Nour Tasneem Binti Omar. Before I begin, I would like to offer my deepest condolence to the Tasneem ‘s family for their unfortunate loss.

When I remember Tasneem , there are three words that come to mind which are eccentric, joyful and persistence

I have known Tasneem or many may have known her as Tess or Noura for almost 10 years

I first met her in grade 8th Mathematics class. She was new in class however she was not shy or afraid to go up to people and introduce herself. She normally will approach other people. She has such a good vibes that people feel comfortable being around her.

Tasneem was always there to help people with their problems. She loves to feel useful and helpful to others. She used to help me with my homework and assignments in high school. She used to comfort me when I had a fight with someone. She was always there to listen, to support and to motivate me.

I remember before high school graduation she was upset not knowing what the future has in store for her, she was crying like a baby wanting to be someone. She was comparing herself to others in school and she felt so useless .Thus, she volunteered to do 2 hours of community service once week at the elderly nursery homes just to make herself feel alive. Unlike other teenagers her age, she preferred to engage herself to do things that will benefit the society. Sometimes, at the back of her mind she told to me she felt that she was born in the wrong century.

Tasneem has gone through many challenges in life and she told me sometimes she just wanted to quit whatever she is doing but she never did that. She just continues working hard to achieve her ultimate dream which is to become a journalist. She always told me she wanted to become a woman with high Islamic values and integrity.

Although, she did not achieve her dream in becoming a journalist however all her efforts has created an impact on me and her other friends. Her persistence and will power will always be remembered as a stepping stone for me to attain my dreams.

I will always remember her as a girl who consistently wants to improve herself in all walks of life. She is very genuine and real that makes people feel easy to relate to her. She is always excited to learn new things. She tried to make the best of what she had around her.Thank you Tasneem for enriching my live and may Allah bless you always.

Somalia ,presented by jannah

i supposed to this ages ago but i hav been busy with my assignment
by the way, the presentation on Somalia presented by Jannah was quite interesting. Somalia is a country that gained independence from Italy in 1st of July 1960l, i definitely did not know that . The wars that had occurred in the past and currently occurring potrayed that somalia is not a very stable country.
I think the reason somalian are facing wars in the past because the Somalian people are not united especially with the invasion of outsiders to mess up the country .However, the current war that occuring with Ethiopia is due to the conflict started by the Alliance of Mogadishu Warlords and Militia loyal to Islam courts union (ICU). ICU wanted to implement the Shariah law in Somalia but Alliance of Mogadishu Warlords are against them. Thus, the Alliance of Mogadishu Warlords had the war with their own people and ask the assistance of Ethiopian goverment to help defeat the ICU. Of course , many people was killed and injuried throughout the whole ordeal.
It's bad enough that Somalia is a country below the poverty line but having conflicts and their own people make things a lot more worse.
Unfortunately all the troublesome countries are muslim countries. Its true muslim arent united in spirit which is very sad.
Regarding Jannah presentation, well i think her presentation was average and I think she could improve by having more eye contact and high voice projection. Overall, she did her best .That's all that matter.


(SEM 2, 2007/2008)




Sierra Leone or known to be known as the Republic of Sierra Leone is one of the African countries with the majority of Muslims live there. On the flip side, the country name-Sierra Leone was firstly proposed by Portuegese named Pedro da Cintra which symbolizes the meaning of Lion Mountains. Sierra Leone is located in West Africa bordered by Guinea in the North and East, Libera in the Southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean in the Southwest and West. Sierra Leone is one of the members of the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Conference, and also Non-Alligned Movement members.
Throughout history, Sierra Leone has gained its independence form the British Colonials in 1961. Following the above situation, Sir Milton Margai from Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) was elected to become the country’s first Prime Minister in 1962.
In addition to that, Sierra Leone rich in its labor forces and other mineral resources for exporting purposes. Among some of the mineral resources that they possessed are diamonds, bauxites, irons and so forth. Due to this fact, Sierra Leone is one of the largest diamonds producer in the world.

A rebel movement group named the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) led to the cause of civil war that happened in Sierra Leone where there were a lot of corruptions did by the government and misused the country’s mineral resources. To counter this situation, the United Nations has sent its peacekeepers; unfortunately clashes happened between both parties. This civil war has led the American people to take advantage on this situation whereby they have tried to take over the mining industry of Sierra Leone’s mineral resources and forced the Sierra Leonean to work for them in mining those mineral resources especially its diamonds. Most of the time, the American people will use violence on Sierra Leonean such as, cutting their hands, abusing them and many other violence if they refused to work for them and do the mining process. In my opinion, the people of Sierra Leone shouldn’t be treated like a stranger in their own homeland, because it is them who possessed the mineral resources. And again, the United Nations will never be able to stop the misdoing that the American people did to other nations, especially a country where Muslims are predominant. They will try to divide us in many ways which seems to be worked well and once we divided among each other, they will take every valuable thing that we have including our human and mineral resources as they did to Sierra Leone and its people.

In terms of Hatice Izgin’s presentation, I really wanna thanked her for the information given, because to be frank, I am not a kind of person who’s alert on local issues not more if it is the world issues. I know nothing about Sierra Leone before. Overall, her presentation was quite good; she managed to establish eye contact with the rest of the class and I might say that she has managed her nervousness, because from my own experience she once told me that she really feel nervous when doing the presentation and many people including myself feel the same. But I think, there will always room for improvement, am I right? In my opinion, Hatice failed to speak out her voice louder. It was good that she was using the background music for her presentation, unfortunately due to her soft voice; I couldn’t really be able to listen well to her voice. The additional reason was because that music was kind of instrumental music that made us ‘fly’; and I guess it was a distraction for her presentation. GO Hatice, GO!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Checknya is a regional government

Chechnya is an interesting country ,well its not exactly a country its a regional government and its still under the control of the Russion. there's where the conflict between the regional (pro-Russian) and separatist government come into the picture.Chechens are controlled by regional teips or tribe, even when they have pro-and anti-Russian political movement. The conflict between Russia and Chechnya has resulted in 1994-1996 wars as well as 1999 wars. Russia successfully established pro-Chechya Russian regime especially with the death of the leader of separatists group including former President Aslan Maskhadov and the most prominet Checknya freedom fight Shamil Basayev.
Ironically, the current president of Checknya is Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov who was former Chechnya freedom fighter.
Is it peculliar that people could change their position in the society ?former so-called rebel by Russion to current president?Many anti-russian chechnian viewed their president as a traitor. I guess ,when you keep losing in a war and many lives of your people are killed , you gotta surrender and join the enemy for the best of the nation even its against your own principle.
But why are muslim always under the rulling of the non-muslim? are we(muslim) the victim? Someone gotta answer that.............
Bytheway, nasrul presentation was average although i think he could have done a lot better because he's voice projection was good ,he had the confident and he has good command of english. i guess, he was just lack of preparation because he kept on reading the slides and neglecting the audiences by not providing them eye contacts.


Hey there, if you guys have a “smoker” boyfriend/girlfriend or “smoker” relatives or “smoker” friends around you, here are some tips to help them to stop this “killing” addiction. Don’t forget to tell them about this. I hope it can help them out. Good Luck!!! And here are TOP tips to quit (source: taken form CLEO):

1- Write down all the reasons why you are determined to quit and stick them on your soft board, on your locker, or wherever you are most likely to see them everyday

2- Choose a quit date or a specific date to start this “stopping” program, and stick to it!

3- Throw out your cigarettes, ashtrays, matches and any other things related to your smoking habit.

4- Keep yourself busy.

5- Beware of other smokers that might try to sabotage your attempts to quit. Reaffirm all your reasons (1st step) why you gave up.

Monday, March 3, 2008


With regards to Nasra’s presentation, in my opinion, there are a lot of spaces where she could improve on. Even though she has prepared many things about this country, it seems that she couldn’t be able to deliver it well. In terms of her sound projection, well I could say, people who sat at the back cannot really understand and grab every single thing that she said. Fortunately, I sat in front of her, yet I still cannot grab her sentences. Another thing that I have observed in the way she present was her limited eye contact, posture and also gestures.
In my point of view, she needs to speak louder when delivering a speech, particularly in every presentation, this is because her voice is too soft sometimes looks like she is whispering to our ears, hihihihihi… she also needs to observe the way she stand up in front of many people, and what she needs is also hand movements. As we have learnt from intercultural communication, non verbal cues are essential in everyday communication and of course in delivering speeches.


On Friday last month, another student was presented another Muslim country that has assigned to her which is BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA. The capital city of Bosnia Herzegovina is Sarajevo (READ: Sarayevo). The ethnic groups were dominated by Bosniak, followed by Serb, Croat. Surprisingly, the majority of Bosnians are Muslims with the percentage of 40 percent. The tragedy that haunted the Bosnians begins when one of the ethnic group: the Serbs were doing what so called an ethnic cleansing in 1994 towards the Bosnians. The main purpose was to totally wipe out the Bosnians histories from their own homeland. To be frank, I know nothing about Bosnia before, but because of this presentation as well as the presenter’s and our lecturer’s explanation, I have opened up my mind to think ☺☺. From what the two of them have said, the Serbs were terribly cruel towards the Bosnians. Women and girls were raped many times in a day and most of the time they were raped in front of their family members. They were also asked to rape their own mothers and daughters. The Bosnians were survived mainly because the United Nations through NATO had an intervention and sent its troops to curb this problem.
Regarding the presentation, Umi Khairani was the one who presented this topic. Well I’m not sure about her introduction because when she present I was came late =P. When I came and listened to her presentation, she was terribly nervous and too afraid of something that she doesn’t even know what it was. She got the confidence and has a good voice projection. Even though she prepared all the staffs earlier, she seems a bit lost while remembering certain points. Umi’s also lacks in hand movements but be able to control her posture.
In my observation, it was good because she has done research before presenting the topic by reading many books and articles from the internet but not from Wiki, I guess.
She was expecting bucks of questions from the class and due to this reason she has prepared the answers for any possible questions that might be asked in her small notes. It was extraordinary thing, I might say, because people are usually using the notes to refresh their memory about the information flow but not her. “Sedia payung sebelum hujan”.
Overall, Umi’s presentation was quite good, according to our lecturer; at the end of her presentation she was “sad”, was it because of the Bosnians or was it because of her presentation that she claimed to be “teruk”.


Iran is an Islamic Republic which governed by President Ahmed Dinnejad, this is because in 1979 revolutions were happened in all over the globe and before it in 1983 Iran has managed to hold hostage the American people in a year Iran is a Muslim country in the Middle East in which it managed to remain independent throughout much of its history. Iran has 70 millions population consists of people from diverse background. It composes of Persian, Azeri, Gilaki and Mazandarani, Kurd and Arab. Basically, Iran is located beyond the Tigris River, which considered to be the longest river in the world. Iran is a rich country because it has a huge quantity of uranium-a radioactive metal that is used to produce nuclear energy and weapons. Iran has its own media system, news agency and they are very successful in many areas.
Apart from that, the informative speech on this country was given to Marziana @ Julie. Hurm…what should I say about this girl???. Without further a due, as our lecturer said before, Iran is an interesting country to be discussed, the reason why is because Iran is a country that George W. Bush afraid of, and another reason maybe because she was expecting an excellent presentation from Julie. In my opinion, she begins her presentation with a good introduction and succeeded to grabs people’s attention by her clear and loud voice and also her “Shakespear” idea. She got the confidence inside her.
I might say that, Julie’s presentation lacks in content because even though she doesn’t put many things in her slide as what I did she still looks unprepared because she makes us waiting (minutes) until she got her new ideas about the topic AGAIN. To be honest, I don’t like the way she stands in front of her audience because it was too relax and she kept lean herself on the computer table. Overall, Julie’s presentation was quite okay-lah…=)

Monday, February 25, 2008



A Book Review on Aishah: the Beloved of Mohammed

Before I begin to give my opinion about this book, please allow me to briefly introduce a little story about the author of this biography of Aishah R.A.
Nabia Abbott was born in Turkey on 1897 and died in 1981. Nabia Abbott was taken by her family across the Middle East to India, and later on she lived in Iraq and in the Unite States of America. Apart from that, she became the first woman faculty member of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago in 1933.

Aishah R.A. was a daughter of Umm Ruman and Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, Prophet’s right-hand man as well as the 1st Caliph of Muslims community. She was the beloved wife of the Prophet after Khadijah’s death. After Khadijah’s death, the Prophet decided to marry Sawdah bint Zam’ah-the follower of the Prophet and Aishah-the daughter of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq as an advice from Khawlah bint Hakim. At the beginning, the little girl Aishah doesn’t know to whom she will be married with. Until then, when she was playing with her friends in a playground, came a group of women who then washed her face. And at the age of not more than ten years old, Aishah became the Prophet’s wife. Due to Aishah’s age, when coming home the Prophet would see his wife busy playing with her toys and sometimes playing with her friends.

All in all, as Aishah growing older, Prophet has married Hafsah-the daughter of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, and many others. This situation was indeed, creating jealousy among the Prophet’s wives especially the little Aishah, she said that “when the Messenger of Allah married Umm Salamah, I was extremely sad and jealous”.

Later on, the dignity of Aishah was tested on the way back from the expedition against the Banu al-Mustaliq. “The affair of the slander” was the name of the bad episode directed to the beloved wife of the Prophet and Safwan ibn al-Mu’attal that was created by Abdullah ibn Ubayy. This slander remained unsettled and it creates the young Aishah to cry because nobody believe in her, and so does the Prophet who was in fact has doubts of her virtue and never visited her in Aishah’s house. The months have passed, what Aishah can do is just praying to Allah so that the truth will come out. Furthermore, revealed Surah An-Nur 11-16 to prove that Aishah was innocent.

All Muslims community knew that Aishah was his favourite and due to this reason Muslims community had decided to send any gifts they had for the Prophet on Aishah’s “day”. Among the reason on why she became the beloved wife of Prophet was because, whenever she wanted to visits her father, she will ask Prophet’ permission first. Prophet once said to Aishah: “O Aishah, may Allah reward you well, I am not the source of joy to you that you are to me”. When he Prophet was sick, it was she who takes care of him and nurtured him well, she has put the comfort of the Prophet as her priority. Prophet’s love to Aishah can be seen when he asked each of his wives and tried to figure out when does Aishah’s “turn” will took place because he felt that the illness was killing him badly. Aishah was on her eighteen years old when the Prophet breathed his last in her arms and was buried in Aishah’s house as requested by him.

After her father died, it was her to establish herself as a major factor of the politics. Aishah was entrusted by the welfare of her family because she was capable of doing it and an energetic woman. Aishah, the Mother of the Believers has turned her energies and talents and dominated the political situation in the Muslims world. She breathed her last on Tuesday; the seventeenth of Ramadhan in the age of sixty-four and requested to be buried with the rest of Prophet’s departed wives.


I think dexter presentation was alrite. Although he sounded a little nervous, he delivered his information better than I expected. I think next time dexter need to structure his points accordingly because I felt his information was scattered around.
I would have like it if he have spoken more about Abu Sayyaf group and the Muslim minorities in the South part of Phillippines.

From my own reading , I have found out that Abu Sayyaf means bearers of Sword in Arabic and many people believe it is closely link to Osama bin laden which I found it to be untrue. In addition, I discovered Abu Sayyaf is former led by Abdurajak Janjalani, a Philippine Muslim who fought in the international Islamist brigade in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation but now it is led by Khadaffy Janjalani after his brother Abdurajak Janjalani died.

I dont see these Muslim minority freedom fighters as a terrorists although they may have kidnapped twenty people, including three Americans, at one of Philippine exclusive resort and demanded ransom payments in 2002. I just think they just want the world to acknowledge them by commiting these crimes.They stand for the rights of Muslim in Phillippines by seeking for independence from the government of Phillippines although it is done through the brutal ways.

Review on Road to Mecca , book written by Muhammad Asad

Review and Analysis on the “Road to Mecca”
The “Road to Mecca” was written by Muhammad Asad mainly talked about his background, the people he met through his traveling, his conversion to Islam and his thoughts against Zionist movement. It is an inspiring book that reflected upon the life of Muslim convert who chose to work and live within Muslim society in order to move toward Islamic direction.
Muhammad Asad or Leopold Weiss was borned in July 1900 in town of Lvov (Lemberg) in Eastern Galicia part of Hasburg Empire which is now known as Ukraine. He is the descendent of a pious Jewish family that he noted his parental grandfather was a barrister who had strong Judaism values. However, his parents was not interested in religion which may have caused him to developed what he called “supercilious feeling” toward Judaism which he emphasized that he was against the Hebrew bible and Talmud moral perceptions because they were only focusing on the ritual aspects of the religion and God of Hebrew was only favoring the chosen Jewish nation.
He received the first discovery of Islam and Zionism when he invited his uncle in Jerusalem. He discovered Zionism was mistreating the Arab after occupying their land in most of Palestine.He published a book called “Frankfurter Zeitung” that sided Muslim and Arab nationalism in opposition to the British biasness in giving the Zionists land at the centre of Palestine and gradually allowing Zionists to take over most of Palestine. He traveled to many Middle Eastern countries for two years in completing the book. On his trip he met Shaykh Mustafa Al-Maraghi who was a theologian at Al-Azhar who gave him insightful impression about Islam. He learnt that Islam is not like what it was interpreted by the Western critics.
After his trip he moved back to Frankfurter and studied Islamic studies .Soon after that he converted to Islam after he felt Islam was the right religion for him. Later, he went for pilgrimage in Mecca and ended up staying there for six years. He mentioned he was studying religion in Medina while involving with politic in Riyadh. In addition, the late King Ibn Saud was close to Asad because the King wanted Asad to write documentation to the European continent as well as of becoming the secret agent to chalestine mission to Kuwait in detecting the fund that Faysal Al-Dawish a Saudi Rebel was receiving in buying guns.
Throughout his times in Saudi, he stated his disappointment toward the late King Ibn Saud due to the King lack of efforts in wanting to become the leader of the Islamic revivals and toward the establishing of progressive Islamic society in Saudi Arabia. He explained that the King was just a King who only cared about his luxurious life and ignorant his social responsibility toward his Islamic nation. Due to his great disappointment toward the King, he later on migrated to India, Turkestan, China and Indonesia in engaging himself in Islamic discussion.
I think this book is good book for Muslim to read because it creates awareness to us about the lack of understanding on the real gist of Islam which are facing by the Muslim nowadays and in the past. He stated that if he met the Muslim before understanding the real Islamic teaching, he would not have converted based on observing the practices of Muslim contemporary. We should ponder on his statement.

Sunday, February 24, 2008



Book review: Tun Ghafar Baba


Quoted from: Alias Mohamed. (1993) Ghafar- A Biography. Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publication.

The late Tun Ghafar Baba was an unpretentious man, simple and very ordinary. It was very ordinariness that makes him stand out as being different. Unlike many others in public life, Ghafar has not sought a title or been anxious to give them to others. When he was Chief Minister of Malacca, he spoke out against moves to have the Governor, Tun Leong Yew Koh, award state honours and decorations on his birthday. It was then just two years after Merdeka. Those who deserved to be honoured, he argued, would have the opportunity of being honoured by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. His reasoning was simple and direct: “The giving of one’s service to the public should properly be to derive the satisfaction of having served the interest of humanity”.
Getting to the root of the master is Ghafar’s style of leadership. He is true grassroots leader who believes that charity begins at home. He says that nothing excites him anymore after living in this world for more than 68 years. What is achievement? He has reduced it to a very simple formula; he only wants satisfaction through doing his bit for the people –especially the have-nots. Being born into poverty and having known it from the time he was very young, Ghafar is the champion of the poor.

When crisis was at high, Ghafar, in his soft unassuming manner, is always at the forefront protecting and promoting the interest of the party. Known for his loyalty, Ghafar had always stood solidly behind Datuk Seri Mahathir and even stuck his neck out in supporting the Prime Minister during the nation’s so-called constitutional crisis of 1983. Ghafar remembers the crisis well. He was not in the Government when it happened. It was during his “business years”. It arose after Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mahathir tabled the Constitutional (Amendment) Bill on August 1, 1983. Among others things, the Bill sought to amend Article 66 to provide that “if for any reason whatsoever a Bill, and it shall become law.” After three days of debate, the Dewan Negara gave its approval. On August 10, it was endorsed by the Dewan Negara. The King, after consultations with the other Rulers, delayed giving his assent. Then, Ghafar explained to all the Rulers after he consulted United Malay National Organization (UMNO) Supreme Council. He mentioned, “There is no intention to erode the power of the Rulers, but because we practice constitutional monarchy in Malaysia, the Rulers have to act on the advice of the Prime Minister and the Menteri Besar.” But, nothing came out after all the Rulers meet at Istana Bukit Kayangan, Shah Alam, Selangor. Furthermore, the Rulers assented to the Constitutional (Amendment) Bill on December 15 in the same year.

During the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) leadership crisis, Ghafar also acted as the mediator in the mediator in the power struggle between the Neo Yee Pan and Tan Koon Swan factions. Ghafar mentioned, “I feel duty-bound to help”, he points out. After court decided for him to be a mediator, he was happy with court decision nevertheless. Then, a Singapore newspaper wrote these event “…..the Chinese have Ali Baba, the Indian have Sai Baba and the Malays have Ghafar Baba,”

Back to the point mentioned above, there have been political within the MCA in the past, but none can match the 1984 upheaval in terms of the numbers of members it involved or the way in which it raised fundamental questions about the democratic process in the party. Many feel that the crisis began with the resignation of Datuk Lee San Choon at the heights of his power as president in April 1983. His resignation followed shortly after that of deputy president Datuk Richard Ho.

Before he resigned, he had Datuk Neo Yee Pan made deputy president and self-made millionaire Tan Koon Swan vice-president. When he resigned, Datuk Neo became acting president pending the party elections the following year. Datuk Neo appointed Datuk Mak Hon Kam acting deputy president. What followed was a bitter power struggle for the control of the MCA between the Neo Yee Pan and the Tan Koon Swan factions. For a while things remained relatively calm. But on March 19, 1984 a row over alleged “phantom” members in the MCA exploded into a serious crisis. On that day the acting president and his allies within the party stunned observers by expelling their main rival, Tan Koon Swan, and 13 of his close associates.

Soon, the fight spilled over into the courts. As a secretary-general of the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition, Ghaffar was stepped in. He then, realized. A long drawn-out court battle could paralyse the MCA. Since the general election was not far off, the Barisan Nasional could not afford to have one of its major parties incapacitated.

Through his mediation, the 2 factions agreed to have the membership list scrutinized and “cleaned”. A new list emerged and was computerized. This was followed by party elections which saw Tan Koon Swan catapulted into the presidency.

Ghafar was also said to be involved in mediation efforts to avert the prolongation of the March 1987 crisis in Sarawak. It began when 28 of the 48 Sarawak State Assemblymen flew to Kuala Lumpur, declared their opposition to Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud and called on him to step down. Later, Tan Sri Taib and his three-party State Barisan Nasional coalition won.

Ghafar’s contribution to the country’s peace and harmony is well known. The Malaysian Institute of Management conferred him an honorary fellowship award in 1988 to show its appreciation for a man who has won national recognition as the nation’s healing hand at times of crisis. The award is the highest accolade accorded to an individual by the institute. It has conferred the award to only 10 persons over last 20 years. They are Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Dr Ismail, Royal Professor Ungku Abdul Aziz, Tun Tan Siew Sin, Tun Mohamed Suffian Hashim, Tun Ismail Mohamad Ali, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Sultan Azlan Shah.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Marthin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr., was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia.
He was the son of
Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr. and Alberta Williams King. King's father was born "Michael King", and Martin Luther King, Jr. was initially named "Michael King, Jr.", until 1935, when "his father changed both of their names to Martin to honor the German Protestant (Martin Luther).
He had an older sister,
Willie Christine (September 11, 1927) and a younger brother, Alfred Daniel (July 30, 1930July 1, 1969). King sang with his church choir at the 1939 Atlanta premiere of the movie Gone with the Wind. He entered Morehouse College at age fifteen, skipping his ninth and twelfth high school grades without formally graduating.
In 1948, he graduated from Morehouse with a
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in sociology, and enrolled in Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, and graduated with a Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.) degree in 1951.
In September 1951, King began doctoral studies in
systematic theology at Boston University and received his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) on June 5, 1955 (but see the Plagiarism section for controversy regarding this degree). In 1953, at age 24, King became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
King was
assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Jimmy Carter in 1977. Martin Luther King Day was established as a national holiday in the United States in 1986. In 2004, King was posthumously awarded a Congressional Gold Medal.

Opinion about Marthin Luther King JR.
King was fighting for human rights almost similar to Mahatma Gandhi in India.
Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's success with non-violent activism, he visited the Gandhi family in India in 1959, with assistance from the
Quaker group the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
The trip to India affected King in a profound way, deepening his understanding of nonviolent resistance and his commitment to America’s struggle for civil rights. In a radio address made during his final evening in India, King reflected, “Since being in India, I am more convinced than ever before that the method of nonviolent resistance is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for justice and human dignity.
In a real sense, Mahatma Gandhi embodied in his life certain universal principles that are inherent in the moral structure of the universe, and these principles are as inescapable as the law of gravitation.”
Opinion about the presenting group.
After I saw Nash presented this topic with his mates, I can say that African-American people at the time were isolated, being hostiles, depressed and etc. As George Santayana, one of most famous historian said “People are tend to repeat the history if they forget it”. Today, in another country in the world, this situation is most same. The terms genocide, ethnic cleansing and etc may be targeted towards A few countries like Thailand with Muslims in Southern Thailand, Serbian troops with Muslim Bosnian, and I’m wondering, the protest conducted by HINDRAF claimed that Malaysian government is doing the same thing. Is that so? Sounds like weird because they were blaming British government because brought their great grandparents as an immigrant and let their descendent suffer in this 50 years old independent country. Pity with them, not too radical, I also being in the same wing with them when it comes to against British government. British and another colonialist are shit. Even, after most of their conquered country were get independent, the smell is left. Why I say so? Just see what they have done. They divide and conquer most of the country in the world just like a cake! Just see this country, even Malaysia is an example of outstanding Muslim country wanna be, the implementation of Islamic legal system is almost zero to be available. Malaysia has a Carlsberg factory, the biggest factory in Asia that process beer to kill the people in the long term period. Not to forget, Genting Highland. The biggest casino in Southeast Asia. Maybe what my teacher told me is truth. The stronger of faith in a one place, the stronger devil will try to play his role there. But, how strong the faith of Malaysian leaders? Corruption is seems to be increase, crime case is available in anywhere and get the attention from media. I hope this coming election will bring the big changes especially to a people who waiting the evil to be reveal……..
From dexter. 2132hours with his Acer notebook and going to play a game..

Informative Speech

After giving an opinion to other group members, today, Friday, February 22, 2008 is my turn to giving an informative speech about Philippines.
I know that I’m not perform very well today because I forget to bring my thumb drive and I just continue without any slides to be shown to audiences. So far, I can feel the “smell from hell” when I’m posting this blog. Forget about it first because, if I want to purchase a tickets to live in heaven or hell, I must die first.
I will divide the topics to make all this blog readers to know the chronology of this story.
Spanish rule (1521–1898)

Ø Discovered by
Portuguese explorer, Ferdinand Magellan in 1521.
Ø He established friendly relations with some of the local chieftains and converted some of them to
Roman Catholicism.
Ø However, Magellan was killed in a dispute with indigenous tribal groups led by a chieftain named
Ø Philippine was named after
Philip II of Spain1543, by Ruy López de Villalobos after he led an expedition to the islands.

Spanish colonization
Ø Permanent Spanish settlement was not established until 1565 when an expedition led by the
Conquistador, Miguel López de Legazpi, arrived in Cebu from Mexico (New Spain).

Ø One of Spain's objectives in colonizing the Philippines was the conversion of the local population to
Roman Catholicism.

Ø Spanish rule on the Philippines was briefly interrupted in 1762, when
British troops occupied Manila.

Ø The
Treaty of Paris of 1763 restored Spanish rule and in 1764 the British left the country fearing another costly war with Spain.
Ø The brief British occupation weakened Spain's grip on power and sparked rebellions and demands for independence.
Ø The
Philippine Revolution began in 1896. Rizal was implicated in the outbreak of the revolution and executed for treason in 1896.
Ø The Katipunan in
Cavite split into two groups, Magdiwang, led by Mariano Alvarez (a relative of Bonifacio's by marriage), and Magdalo, led by Emilio Aguinaldo.

Ø After
Commodore George Dewey defeated the Spanish squadron at Manila, the U.S. invited Aguinaldo to return to the Philippines, which he did on May 19, 1898, in the hope he would rally Filipinos against the Spanish colonial government.

Ø On
June 12, 1898, Aguinaldo declared the independence of the Philippines in Kawit, Cavite, establishing the First Philippine Republic under Asia's first democratic constitution.

World War II and Japanese occupation

Japan launched a surprise attack on the Clark Air Base in Pampanga, Philippines on December 8, 1941, just ten hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Ø The Philippine defense continued until the final surrender of United States-Philippine forces on the Bataan Peninsula in April 1942 and on Corregidor in May of the same year.

Ø Most of the 80,000 prisoners of war captured by the Japanese at Bataan were forced to undertake the infamous
Bataan Death March to a prison camp 105 kilometers to the north. It is estimated that about 10,000 Filipinos and 1,200 Americans died before reaching their destination.

Ø Japanese occupation of the Philippines was opposed by large-scale underground and guerrilla activity. The
Philippine Army continued to fight the Japanese in a guerrilla war and was considered an auxiliary unit of the United States Army.

Independent Philippines

The celebration of
Independence Day was changed from July 4 to June 12, to honor the day that Emilio Aguinaldo declared independence from Spain in 1898.

Manuel Roxas (1946-1948) Elections were held in April 1946, with Manuel Roxas becoming the first president of the independent Republic of the Philippines. Roxas died suddenly of a heart attack in April 1948.
Elpidio Quirino (1949-1953) He ran for president in his own right in 1949. The task of reconstruction was complicated by the activities of the Communist.
Ramon Magsaysay (1953-1957) Supported by the United States, He was a Secretary of Defense of Philippines under the administration of Quirino. He was initiated a campaign to defeat the insurgents militarily and at the same time win popular support for the government. Died in an airplane crash in March 1957.
Carlos P. Garcia (1957-1961) His administration emphasized the nationalist theme of "Filipino first", arguing that the Filipino people should be given the chances to improve the country's economy. His administration lost popularity on issues of government corruption.
Diosdado Macapagal (1961-1965). Was elected president in the 1961 election, defeating Garcia's re-election bid. Macapagal's foreign policy sought closer relations with neighboring Asian nations, particularly Malaya (later Malaysia) and Indonesia.
Ø Ferdinand Marcos (1965-1986) Early in his presidency, Marcos initiated ambitious public works projects and intensified tax collection which brought the country economic prosperity throughout the 1970s. His administration built more roads (including a substantial portion of the
Pan-Philippine Highway) than all his predecessors combined, and more schools than any previous administration. However, he was exiled by the People Power Revolution because of his conspiracy in rampant corruption with his wife Imelda Romualdez Marcos and his cronies.
Ø Corazon Aquino (
1986-1992) He legalized the Communist Party and laid the groundwork for talks with communist insurgents, Muslim separatists, and military rebels, attempting to convince them to cease their armed activities against the government.
Ø Fidel W. Ramos (1992-1998)- He made a progress in revitalizing democratic institutions and respect for civil liberties, but his administration was also viewed as weak and fractious. Economic growth was additionally hampered by a series of natural disasters, including the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo that left 700 dead and 200,000 homeless.
Ø Joseph Estrada (1998-2001) His election campaign pledged to help the poor and develop the country's agricultural sector. In October 2000, Estrada was accused of having accepted millions of pesos in payoffs from illegal gambling businesses. Faced with street protests, cabinet resignations, and a withdrawal of support from the armed forces, Estrada was forced from office on
January 20, 2001.
Ø Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (2001-now) the daughter of the late President
Diosdado Macapagal)
She was a classmate of
United States President Bill Clinton and achieved consistent Dean's list status Arroyo then studied for two years at Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C. At noon on January 20, 2001, Arroyo was sworn in as President of the Philippines by Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr. Coincidentally, Arroyo assumed office the same day as US President George W. Bush.

What a coincidence. Imagine if Clinton have a scandal with Arroyo, not with Lewinsky…..

When I’ doing the task for this topic, I remembered during my History class when I was in secondary school. Philippine doesn’t agree with the establishment of Malaysia till now because it still claim that Sabah is theirs. Reason: they said Philippine was under the reign of Kesultanan Suluk (Suluk empire) and his influenced was very wide including Sabah. But, luckily with an effort of the previous leader at the time, Sabah was agree to be a part of Malaysia in Septmber 1963.

Landmark Speech

Chavez was referring to the books Hegemony or Survival: The Imperialist Strategy of the United States written by Noam Chomsky, one of the most prestigious American and world intellectuals. The book mentioned was printed in English, Russian, and Germany. Chavez also referred the president of United States, George. W. Bush as the devil. The points that was spoke by Chavez against Bush and his administration is the democratic model that are promoted by Bush is actually is his own democratic model that may achieved through violence such as the usage of weapons, bombs, firing weapons and etc. If we refer to the citizens of the United States, most of them want a peace but the United State’s government itself was and is seems doesn’t want a peace to be spread all over the world and within the United States itself.
He also proposes on September 20th, 2006 to re-establish the United Nations because as the reason it has no power to make any impact on the terrible situation in the world even though it is deliberative organ. In addition, Chavez with other representatives from another states have made 4 modest proposals in which they felt as crucially important. The first is expansion that stated “the Security Council, both as it has permanent and non-permanent categories, (inaudible) developing countries and LDC’s must be given access as new permanent members.
Second, transparent decisions which mean effective methods to address and resolve world conflicts. Third, the immediate suppression and that is something everyone’s calling for, of the anti-democratic mechanism known as the veto, the veto on decisions of the Security Council and Fourth, to strengthen the role and powers of the secretary general of the United Nations.
Not to forget, there’s been an open attack by the U.S government, an immoral attack, to try and prevent Venezuela from participating in election to a post in the Security Council.

Hugo Chavez's Controversial Speech

"The devil came here yesterday"

Background of Chavez’s Speech
Hugo Chavez made such a controversial speech in the UN general assembly on September 2005. It addressed the issues that have been created by the George W.Bush ,the President of the United Stated who he nicknamed the "the devil". In addition Chavez characterized USA as the country of militant and capitalist. He mentioned George W.Bush abetted the international terrorism and Bush should be imprisoned by the international crime court for commiting geonocide.
Although , some may view the speech was undiplomatic because he personally attacked George W.Bush's wrongdoings but it created huge impact to the world to see a leader from a underdevelop country criticising a leader from the first world country. I personally think what Chavez said was true especially about the USA being addicted to going for Wars for no specific reason and labelling others nation as terrorisms without having a valid prove. Chavez highlighted the "imperalists sees others as extremists". Furthermore, Chaves pointed out that Bush wants to control over the world through hegemonotic system of domination. According to oxford dictionary , hegemony means the processes by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position.
Chavez was bravely stating that UN is merely an organisation because UN do not have the power to change the terrible events that are happening around the world. He stated when the Israelli attacked Lebonan , UN just watched from far without doing anything to stop horrible act created by israelli. Shockingly, he said that the American people are deceived by their own government because they are sent to Iraq by their own government for no reason and this prove that USA restrict the freedom of the citizen through the Patriot Act. I feel so too, what sort of goverment willing to sacrifice their own nation just to fulfill their wishes in conquering the world .Chavez said the UN was found in the era of superpowers whicha are "THE SOVIET UNION" and "THE UNITED STATE". The soviet union was movement collapsed and according to Chavez The united state will go down as well in the nearest future for the best of humankind. Chavez also stated his interest to explore the nuclear energy .

Background of Chavez
Chavez borned in July 28,1954 . He is the leader of bolivarian revolution. He promotes socialism political, doctrine, latin american integrating anti-imperalism. He started his career as military officer but later on established "left wing 5th Republic movement" after his Venezuealian coup attempt in 1992 agaisnt Carlos Andrés Pérez, the former President of Venezueala. Despite that, Chavez managed to attract national spotlight. He was elected as the President in 1998 after winning his campaign that promise to cater the need of the Venezuela's pooer majority. In 2000 and 2006, he was reelected and he started his bolivarian mission that focuses to eliminate disease, illiteracy, malnutrition, poverty, and other social ills.

Chavez's style of speech

In my opinion, the speech was made Chavez was daring and controversial but managed to capture people's attention around the world. Although, it may not seem diplomatic, however I believe it is difficult to be diplomatic in addressing the issues that relating to USA ways of combating terrorism and USA want dominating world. I think his speech have created some awareness for people from the developing country who are unaware of the USA government tactic. In addition, he also inform how the USA government is deceiving their people. Furthermore, he said UN is so weak with having the authority go against the violence that are happening the world. He named USA is the superpower now that will go down and it is the best for the humanity. I believe he mentioned he wanted to explore nuclear power because he feels he should follow the footstep of Iran which could bring some good in his country technological development.Overall, I think Chavez made an informative speech by revealing what actually are occurring in the world today is created by Bush administration.

My opinion on Chavez ‘s personality
Due to his daring ,out-spoken remarks that he likes to make in his speeches, he was named one of the 100 influential people in the world.

In term of his personality, I think he's a firm believer in what he does. He stand strongly for his ideas and thoughts. The best attributes that he possesses is that he is not afraid to point out the errors made by influential and power leader like George W.Bush. Furthermore, I think he has a strong empathy toward other nations. He doesn’t seem to discriminate people from other races or backgrounds. From his speech we could see that he is strongly against any violent and oppression that occurring around the world that caused by the US and Israel. I feel like many world leaders have the same thoughts as him but they afraid to come forward and express themselves. I believe Chavez is aiming at achieving peace around the world and helping his poor nation prosper in term of economic development. He rejected the Washington Consensus because he felt the consensus will only benefit USA. Thus, he is cooperating with the other South America poorest nation in prospering their economic development together.

Bytheway,the group that presented Hugo Chavez ‘s speech did a good especially where they had Umi Khairani repeating the words “The devil here” couple of times made me curious at first but later on I understood what the speech was all about.

Landmark Speech by John F. Kennedy

Born in Brookline, Massauchussets on 29th May 1917,
John Fitzerzgerald Kennedy or came to be known as JFK is a son of Josepf P. Kennedy and Rose Fitzergerald. On
the other hand, in 1953 he was married Jacqueline Bouvier, two years later he received a Pulitzer Prize for his Profiles in Courage which tells about his own experiences in NAVY.

Apart from that, JFK was elected as a President in 1961
and this remarked the history of the United States when he became the 35th president and also
the youngest person that ever become a president. He was also the only Roman Catholic to
become a president. Unfortunately, his presidency only last for almost three years because in
1963 he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

With regards to his background of the speech, he was basically delivers his inaugural speech with
a beautiful words when he was first elected as the 35th President of the United States after he
initially pledged in front of the Americans who came together to bear witness of his presidency
on Friday, January 20, 1961. His inaugural speech was become a landmark speech until today:
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country".

In terms of JFK's speech style, I might say that his speech consists of many different speech
styles. It was consists of inaugural, motivational, persuasive, and inspirational speech styles,
though every President's speech is regarded as an informative speech.
An inaugural speech means the first speech that a person delivers, especially by the new leader
of an organization or a country.

If one might notice, he was using a lot of motivational, inspirational and persuasive words that
directed to his people. Among the words are: "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask
what you can do for your country"; "Let both sides in creating a new endeavour, not a new
balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the
peace preserved...all this will not be finished in 100 days nor in 1000 days, but let us begin";
"Never negotiate out of fear and let us never fear to negotiate".

In my opinion, he has good personality, he was young, brave, ambitious. He loved his people and
so does his people loved him. His ambitious manner can be seen when he was speak to his people
"Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, tap the ocean depths and encourage the
arts and commerce".

For the group who presented this topic (Amalina, Wahida, Marziana, Nor Jannah, Nadia, and
Lutfi), you guys are really fantastic!!! (^_^)v

All of you have done a good job!!! well done...

The presentation was really good because all of you organized it well and well prepaid...

(seems that you guys did a lot of research..huh?? =p)

Overall, their presentation was goooooooooooood.....